Minor Prophets (Adults)

Joel Chapter 3

Lesson written by Brandon Vetter and Murray Wade

Joel Questions

Text: Joel 3 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]


1. In the time that God blesses and restores Judah and Israel what is He doing with the other nations? 




2. What does Jehoshaphat mean? 



3. Make a list of things the other nations (e.g., Tyre, Sidon, Philistia) have done to cause God to bring judgment on them?





4. What challenge does God issue to the nations in verses 9-12?





5. What does verse 10 seem to be referring to?




6. What imagery is used in verse 13 to describe God’s judgment?




7. What other passages do verses 14-17 remind us of?




8. How does Joel describe the abundance of blessings that God will give to Judah in verse 18?




9. Why are Egypt and Edom good symbols of the wicked?  What had they done to Israel and Judah in the past?




10. Who will abide forever?



11. What does acquit mean and who will benefit from God’s acquittal?



12. What portions of Joel Chapter 3 do you think are figurative?